Matlab Handle Class to connect to an SQLite database for storing images in tree structure with metadata attached to each image.

The images are copied into a separate folder and only the paths are stored in the database together with the metadata. The database can be queried for metadata parameter ranges and the image paths get returned.

This current version deals with the storage and organization of differently cropped images which are stored in a tree. A region of a main image (top level of tree) gets cropped to be the second level of the tree. That level gets further croped to form the next level and so on.

Tree layout (image from Weizman link below):


The images are used for behavioral studies where the subject has to decide if a subimage is part of a main image (the smaller the subimage, the more difficult it becomes) and the image is analysed for features necessary to identify as belonging to a particular main image.

Check here for details: Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision (Weizmann)

See the bottom of this file for setup (you need to download a few things and move them to the right folder, or modify the paths in the matlab file to match where you store the files).

A. Define the image metadata

Each image is shown and attached to it is meta data about how often it was shown, how often correctly identified as being part of the main image, and some basic statistics about how often it should be shown to match the experimental setup. Specific images can be retrieved from the database based on thresholds selected by the user of the class (eg, show images that were correctly identified less than 70%, show images not shown this week, show images only of class 'bicycles', etc).

The metatags are defined in the class code and can be changed to fit other needs by changing this line in the addNewTable() function as well as the variable dbcolnames in the constructor. The current version is:

createTable = ['CREATE TABLE ',this.dbTableName,'(Class varchar, '...
             'SubClass NUMERIC, Hum_C_Score NUMERIC, Size NUMERIC, Subset NUMERIC, '...
           'Is_MIRC NUMERIC, Monkey_C_Score NUMERIC, Times_shown NUMERIC, Times_correct NUMERIC, '...
           'Times_wrong NUMERIC, Date_last_shown NUMERIC, Date_added NUMERIC, '...
        'Path VARCHAR)'];

In this case Class defines the highest order branch of the tree. It can be eg 'Bike' to include images of many different bikes, where another Class is 'Ships', etc.

Subclass defines the different bikes (eg 1 for a blue bike, 2 for a racing bike, etc) and is one branch of the node Class (each image with the same Subclass ID should be derived from the same original image).

Subset is used to add a tag to each image so you can different sub sets. BikeBlue and BikeBrown might be assigned Subset 1, BikeRed and BikeBlack might be assigned Subset 2, so you can then query for only a portion of the whole data for one week (using Subset 1), then have completely different images the next week (using Subset 2).

Hum_C_Score, Monkey_C_Score, Is_MIRC are all extra Tags that are used to keep statistics of the image properties during the experiment.

Example Matlab command for db initialization:

%Initialize Database and Table
db = SQLiteImageDataBase('koff', 'Experiment_1');
B. Define the folder structure of source Images and Metadata CSV file and add data

Images are added to the database by the InsertIntoTable(Class_in, SubClass_in, Subset_in) function, which will ask to select a folder (ChosenFolder). The Folder will have one original image and several subfolders (eg images_id2/), each subfolder being on tree branch with the images (.png) and also a CSV file (hier_tree_info.csv) with some of the metadata that will be added to each entry.

The hierachy is currently set as this:

  • ChosenFolder/
  • original.png
  • stimuli/
    • images_id2/
    • hier_tree_info.csv
    • patch_id2.png
    • patch_id3.png
    • ...
    • images_id4/
    • ...

As parameters of the InsertIntoTable(Class_in, SubClass_in, Subset_in) function you need to specify where you want the images to be added to (which Class, SubClass and Subset), as there should be the option to extend all those branches later on.

After a folder is selected, the file named original.png is copied with a unique ID into the database and added with the tag Is_Original set to True. Then the subfolder /stimuli is chosen and images are read from all folders within the /stimuli folder (images_id2, image_id4, etc).

Each of those folders contains a CSV file with extra info (size of image, C_score, etc) which is processed together with its corresponding image in the private InsertFolder() function.

Example of CSV format:

| patch_filename | score | size | father_id | mirc_fl | |-----------------|--------|----------|------------|----------| | patch_id717.png | 2 | 18 | -1 | 0 | | patch_id2.png | 0.58 | 14 | -1 | 1 | | patch_id12.png | 0.3 | 11.66667 | 2 | 0 | | patch_id8.png | 0.39 | 12 | 2 | 0 | | patch_id9.png | 0.15 | 12 | 2 | 0 |

Matlab command for image insertion:

%Add images and Metadata to Table
db.InsertIntoTable('Bike_blue', 1, 2);

Here an example of the data within the database (using SQL browser) sql

C. Query the db table for different range of parameters

Use the RetrieveEntriesFromTable() function to retrieve db entries within a defined range across defined columns.

In the current version the db columns used are Class (specify what class it belongs to, eg 'Bike'), range of Subclass (between eg 1 and 4), range of C_scores (between eg 0.5 and 0.7) and range of times_shown (between eg 100 and 200).

As there might be many entries you can limit the number of entries returned (max_entries) and what column to use for that limit (eg show only the top 100 times_shown).

All parameters need to be strings, and the cursor object gets returned, which can be extended by using .data.

Matlab command for db query:

%Query table for parameter ranges
db.RetrieveEntriesFromTable('Bike_blue', '0','1', '0.5','0.7' , '0', '2', '0', '-1', '0', '-1','0', 'Hum_C_Score', '50','0'  )
%expand the cursor to get data
the_data =

Here the returned data from above query TREE

The image can then be loaded using:

%get path entry for first image from query
imagePath = the_data(1,14);
%convert cell to string
imagePath_string = sprintf('%s\n',the_data{:})
%load image into Matlab


  1. download SQLite3 (I used Sqlite 3.11)

  2. download driver sqlite-jdbc- from

    and change the path below at varible YOUR_COMPUTER_JAR_FILE to match the location where you saved it eg 'C:\Users\Meyer\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2012a\sqlite-jdbc-'

  3. make a folder in 'C:' called 'sqlite_dbs' where your databases are stored ('eg C:\sqlite_dbs\')

  4. to view the data outside of Matlab, download SQLite browser from

for more help:

%Initialize Database and Table
db = SQLiteImageDataBase('koff', 'Experiment_1');

%Add images and Metadata to Table
db.InsertIntoTable('Bike_blue', 1, 2);

%Query table for parameter ranges
db.RetrieveEntriesFromTable('Bike_blue', '0','1', '0.5','0.7' , '0', '2', '0', '-1', '0', '-1','0', 'Hum_C_Score', '50','0'  )

%expand the cursor to get data into the Matlab workspace as cell matrix
the_data =

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